
From the Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga Session Delivered at the Canadian Positive Psychology Association Meeting in July, 2014:

"Very inspiring! I’ve always had a strong sense of self-awareness but missing was the detachment that comes with mindfulness. I developed very severe social anxiety and felt very powerless as I was always aware of my thoughts/feelings/sensations but the practice of mindfulness has brought back the control."

"Mandy, thank you! I have often said no to yoga for the very reasons you mentioned. I appreciated the actual experience in my chair – proving that I can do it!"

"Awesome. Thank you for the Be-Do-Have session. Be – in the moment. Do – mindfulness and yoga. Have – a meaningful life. It was a great presentation and work shop."

"Thank you for your presentation. You have inspired me to work towards my goal of someday being a NPI coach. You have confirmed my passion and love for this field of work. GI: The confirmation of just how much the body, mind and soul are connected."

"Thank you for offering me a reminder to breathe and be mindful. I love the links to the research and the idea of yoga being mindfulness in motion."

"Very interesting and good workshop. Thank you. It reminded me of the benefits of mindfulness and yoga. Mandy, you are an inspiring person."

"You have inspired and motivated me."

"Everyone can learn to practice mindfulness and yoga and benefit from the practice."

"I appreciated that the session was very hands on and also research based, great combination of those and that you shared your personal experiences."

"Mandy, I valued your confidence your expertise and your calmness. Beginning with the overview and the promise of experiential learning was very welcome. Your inclusion of the audience and responses to their comments was also very receptive. Thank you so much. Kim, Toronto."

"Thank you for inspiring me to make mindfulness meditation a renewed practice."

"Nice intro, especially for people who have not experienced this."

"Mandy, just what I needed this morning. Will check out your website. Thank you. Mylene."

"I find this part of neuroscience very fascinating as a counsellor. I see these things are great interventions. I enjoyed this presentation and I liked how the exercises were integrated into the talk."

"Thanks for reminding me to get back to my practices of meditation and yoga. Lots of ideas to use with my teachers during presentations on mindfulness."

"Refreshing break, replenishing mindset – always good to be reminded of that. Thank you."

"Reminder to get back to yoga practice – so many benefits. I love meditation. I’m happier when I meditate regularly. Keep up the good work."

"I’ve always wanted an intro to this material. It was quick and painless and enticing. Thank you."

"Thanks Mandy, loved the experiential aspect."

"Wonderful presentation! I’m leaving with a connected insight to a personal awareness to how mindfulness and yoga can impact my life positively. I had a personal experience in your demonstration where I recognized an openness in my chest, breathing more easily and deeply."

"You are inspiring. Loved the session"

"Excellent, thank you. I will be exploring both and trying to develop a true practice."

"Mandy was awesome she is filling the gap for physical benefits in PosPsy research."

"I like your ideas in the Center for Applied Neuroscience. With a Science MSc and as a yoga instructor I appreciate making the official connection. GI: Love the science on mediation and yoga – I think this is the future in legitimizing these practices."

"Thanks so much for yet another amazing, valuable opportunity and experience. I am truly grateful to work and learn with you." Candice

From the Life Coaching Course:

“ I think the life coaching course has had a profound effect on me without me even realizing it.  You spoke about feeling yourself “percolating”.  I think that is where I am with life coaching.  It is really exciting, I just don’t have a clear vision yet. Today I was at work doing some reading and research for a presentation I am doing for my management team around some of the concepts of positive thinking and stress management.  One of the things I came across today was an adapted Jung quiz -  What personality type are you?  I have done various versions of this over the years as I love this kind of stuff.  Consistently I have always come up as “ISFJ”.  Today when I did this quiz I ended up with “INFJ”.  I couldn’t believe it!  I had to do it a second time and the result was the same.   Intuition! That is incredible personal development for me.  There is no doubt in my mind that life coaching played a part in that.”  Janet, Halifax.

 “I had lunch with a friend yesterday and she kept asking me what was different about me...I said I had no idea!  Then, she finally described what the 'difference' was, that I seem so calm and so happy now!! I told her a lot about your program and what an amazing journey and experience it's been.  It's encouraging for me to hear that even though the process of mindfulness is still challenging for me, there must be changes occurring in my mind that are even visible to others now via my behaviour.” Erin, Halifax

  “Thank you for teaching me so much!  My husband is not quite so sure if he is thankful as he said last night "no more assertiveness training with Mandy"  LOL  loving it!!! You are a blessing!” BP, Halifax

"This was the best personal development training I have ever experienced! Better than any books I have read or workshops I have attended. The course is very intense. But I think for anyone who is really serious about changing their lives for the better, it is so worth it. Your development of this course is truly commendable but you also do such an incredible job in facilitating it. Your knowledge and expertise is exemplary." 

"You present the information in a way that is easy to absorb and understand. Both your passion for the subject and your compassion towards the students really portrays the kind of person you are. And what also comes out loud and clear, is your passion for wanting to change the world and how we “are” in the world. You help us not just to survive in the world, but thrive. And you help us help others do the same."  

"The encouragement and support from the peer group was just incredible. And the best part; is that we are now part of a fabulous community where we can continue that support, encouragement and ongoing sharing of ideas. I thoroughly enjoyed the reading, the interactive components, the activities; it was all so beneficial and so relevant to what most of us are facing in our lives. This was such an incredible journey of self-discovery." 

"They way it is structured is conducive to learning all what you have to offer in a way that it will never be forgotten. Most courses I’ve been on, teach you “stuff” and then you have to go and try to apply it to what is going on in your “real” world. The way this course is run, we learn it, and then we practice applying it in our life as it is." 

"After completing this course, I honestly feel that I have the knowledge, the tools and the skills, to start a better life for myself; a sustained happy life. I understand how my brain works for and against me. I have a plan to move forward! I have a plan to keep myself on track. I’ve never done that before. " 

"This life coaching course has not only equipped me with what I need to take myself into the next chapter in my life, it has helped me define what that next chapter will look like and given me what I need to get there. I feel more in control of my life. I feel that I can actually make things happen in my life, not just let life happen to me. I am confident in what I am good at and know that I have the skills and abilities to coach others in whatever capacity I choose to move into. "

"Thank you for helping me see and be a new me!"

" I just loved hearing the enthusiasm in your voice when you spoke about the wisdom we all have within. Keep doing what you're doing because you do it so well!! Take care." - DG

“Superior teacher and group facilitator. Excellent application of adult education principles.”
“Great content and an amazing instructor!! Very intelligent, insightful, intuitive and exciting person to work with. Thank you Mandy”

“The course material was current and relevant and very interactive. The instructors were very knowledgeable and helpful with “This course exceeded my expectations by linking the neurology of the brain to emotions and other actions. Knowing all of these interconnected parts of our lives help clear and piece together the issues people may be faced with and allow us to help.”

“Mandy is a great example of what a life coach should be. She's very open and accepting of others, very welcoming and knowledgeable.”

“Personally, I liked the idea of having to have university degrees to get into the course. I was so happy that I had the degrees so I could take it. Thank you Mandy. It was my privilege to meet you and to have taken the course that you developed personally."

“I feel very privileged to have met and trained with this instructor and group of individuals....an all around positive experience!” “Thanks so much, Mandy! You did a phenomenal job creating and delivering this program - I hope you feel a strong sense of pride because it would be well deserved”

“Excellent for personal development and understanding the relationship between neuroscience and life-coaching."

“Mandy Wintink has created a Life Coaching course that will not only enable you to be the best Life Coach you can be, but has done it in a manner that allows ongoing personal growth as well. The heart and intellect of those chosen to be in this course has provided a wealth of information that will continue to be shared with each other as Mandy has created a fabulous environment of community."